We are inspired by the beautiful craftsmanship of Native Artisans community's unique basket weaving techniques, translated to leather, creating hand-woven leather purses and handbags.

At the heart of our brand is the traditional Artisans team. We bring forth their roots to the modern world in a sober and elegant way using natural materials such as leather and brass. These talented artisans construct the bags one by one, to produce unique, luxury bags.

There is something about our leather woven pieces, the natural tanned across leather, the colors, the hand labor that makes them magical, fine… and timeless.

NATIVA was created for sophisticated women who are world travelers and art lovers. They value handmade beauty with cultural flavor and simple life pleasures like contact with nature and spirituality.

Embracing the traditional knowledge passed by native artisan families from generation to generation NATIVA brought forthand the knowledge of handwoven

baskets, to develop a new art in Colombia of hand woven leather bags" 


Embracing the traditional knowledge passed by native artisan families from generation to generation NATIVA brought forthand the knowledge of handwoven baskets, to develop a new art in Colombia of hand woven leather bags" 



Love for natural dyed across leather that becomes more beautiful with age...

Love for natural brass buckles ...

Love for the colors of the lush tropical native rain forests, for our beautiful sunsets and animals

which inspire the colors and materials for our collections...

Love for NATIVA clients , team and artisans...

Love for the handmade...

Love for the luxury of slow custom made...

Love for every Detail...

Love for timeless beauty... 



As an architect and passionate about both design and fashion, Ana Maria Echavarria for 25 years worked with her husband to create a leather goods and fashion retail company that became one of the largest in Colombia and Latin America. During those years she developed a deep appreciation for the artisan traditional craftsmanship which she included in her collections .

After her divorce she brought to life her new dream called NATIVA. A brand inspired in the lush colors of Latin American landscapes and the beauty of the native craftsmanship brought forth into luxurious hand woven leather bags.

She has always loved working with the native communities and one of her goals is keeping her team and artisans happy and improving their life quality, day by day.

Her other biggest joy and goal is to bring a beautiful smile to her clients when they receive their NATIVA product for the first time. 


“Supporting native communities and devoting their beautiful craftsmanship to luxury are the

roots of NATIVA´s soul.  A brand that is committed to create unique and timeless fashion pieces.”